Serving the communities of Stanmore, Badger Farm, Olivers Battery, and Winchester Village.
What's on?
There are a lot of activities going on in the church and wider community ... particularly in the St. Luke's and St. Mark's Halls. Some highlights are below. If you have a local activity which you would like to appear in this list, please use the Contact Us page and we'll update the page.
Events Calendar
Community Events and Contacts
Olivers Battery Film Club -
Easter Egg Hunt on the Battery
Women's Institute - contact Brenda
Tai Chi & Shibashi - contact Malcolm Calvert
Sing Winchester, and Folk Singing - contact Jac
Exercise Classes - contact Anne Humm
Yoga - contact Sheena Sutton
Yoga - contact Anju
Dancing - contact Ian Millar
Community Bookcase in St. Marks
Praying Apart - contact Ruth Cogan